Why VISIONS Alumni Return

June 13, 2019
There is something profound and positive about settling into the daily life of another culture, accomplishing shared goals and participating in community-building. It’s what draws all of us to VISIONS. To get specific, we asked why VISIONS Alumni return.

Why VISIONS Alumni Return

Participants Tell Us What Brings Them Back

Why VISIONS Alumni Return

Participants Tell Us What Brings Them Back

Every year we are thrilled by the number of alumni who return for another VISIONS experience. Some like to continue their work from a previous summer in the same community where they already have deep connections. Others venture to a new destination to open their eyes to, volunteer for and connect with a new culture.

There is something profound and positive about settling into the daily life of another culture, accomplishing shared goals and participating in community-building. It’s what draws all of us to VISIONS.

To get specific, we asked why VISIONS Alumni return.


Programs: Montana Northern Cheyenne 2018 + Alaska 2019

“I enjoyed spending time with other like-minded young adults last summer & experiencing a new culture,” Emma said. “I decided to head to Alaska, because I’m interested in the differences between the native populations in Montana & Alaska, and because being in Alaska for a month sounds like a once in a lifetime opportunity.”


Programs: Dominican Republic 2018 + 2019

“I enjoyed the day camp the most. I absolutely loved spending time with the kids, teaching classes and learning things in return. I wanted to go back to the DR, because I had such a great experience the first time and loved being able to actually make a difference. I have also been taking Spanish for a long time now but I’m not the best so Spanish immersion was a great way for me to practice, and the adults also helped which was awesome.”


Programs: Peru 2018 + Ecuador & Galápagos 2019

“I loved forming bonds with the other kids, my leaders, community members, & especially the kids I met while working at the school in Peru.”

“I knew I wanted to do another Spanish Immersion program. When looking at the different types of service in a different location, I knew I wanted to be in another service location with the kids & in Ecuador, we are going to be working in a school. I am most excited about improving my Spanish even more. Last summer my Spanish reached a whole new level & I am excited to expand & grow as a speaker.”



Programs: Montana Blackfeet 2018 + Cambodia 2019

“What I enjoyed most about Montana was getting to learn, understand & experience the culture of the Blackfeet Nation. The reason I picked Cambodia was I’ve never been out of North America & wanted something that pushed my boundaries… to experience an even more interesting area of the world.”


Programs: Peru 2018 + Cambodia 2019

“I’d say something I enjoyed a lot was being immersed in the culture in Peru because it’s so different from where I live. I also loved all the people I met there.”

“Two things I’m excited about are meeting more amazing people & helping out with the community in Cambodia.”



Programs: Montana Blackfeet 2017 + 2019

“What I enjoyed most was getting to learn about Native American culture, talking to people on the reservation, & having the opportunity to attend a powwow, which was a whole new experience for me that I probably would’ve never gotten had I not done the program with Visions.”

“I decided to go back to Montana because I had such an amazing, unique & rustic experience there. I honestly really miss the ranch, backpacking & the way that it was all so unfamiliar to me. This summer I’m most excited about making new memories & meeting new people.”


Programs: Dominican Republic 2017 + British Virgin Islands 2019

“I love how I felt like I belonged in the DR, like we were family already. I really loved the “circle” activity, it got really deep sometimes & it was interesting to learn about other people’s lives.”

“I picked the BVI because I usually choose to go to Spanish speaking countries & I want to learn a whole new culture. I’m most excited to see what project we’ll be doing & also excited about the new group I will meet!”



Programs: Nicaragua 2016 + Peru 2017 + Cambodia 2018 + Dominican Republic 2019

“I loved finally being surrounded by individuals my age who were equally passionate, determined, & concerned. I picked the DR because of the relationships Visions language immersion programs allow me to forge. I am so excited to be surrounded by all of my favorite things for three weeks. Service, Spanish, dancing, beaches, & incredible people.”


Programs: Montana Northern Cheyenne 2018 + Peru 2019

“My first Visions summer was a middle school program in Montana. I liked volunteering in the community, learning about a new culture, & exploring Montana.”

“There are lots of great Visions programs & it was a hard decision. My grandma is Peruvian & when I was 5 years old I went to Lima to visit family. I want to go back to see more of the country & learn more about my heritage. Also, I want to practice my Spanish outside of the classroom. I can’t wait to meet the counselors & other kids on the trip. They are a big part of the memories I take back with me. Of course, I am very excited to hike Machu Picchu. The trip is scheduled for my birthday weekend.“

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