Why Do Teens Choose VISIONS?

December 20, 2022
You’re making a conscious decision to jump out of your comfort zone. With VISIONS, a service learning adventure is a pivotal life moment, one where you choose transformation over belonging, service to others over service to self.

Why Do Teens Choose VISIONS?

Here’s what some of our alum had to say about why they returned for another summer!

By Owen Clarke

For many participants a service learning program is the adventure of a lifetime. You aren’t just visiting fascinating, unfamiliar destinations like the mountains of Peru or the pristine grasslands of the Blackfeet reservation, making intimate connections with local people and diving deep into community life. 

You’re making a conscious decision to jump out of your comfort zone. With VISIONS, a service learning adventure is a pivotal life moment, one where you choose transformation over belonging, service to others over service to self. 

We’ve led service learning programs at home and abroad for 30+ years, and we’ve helped thousands of participants along their journeys during that time. But not only do many participants return to VISIONS for multiple seasons, often former participants return as young adults to serve as program leaders. Many of the VISIONS admin team are either former participants, former trip leaders, or both!  

With all this in mind—whether you’re a parent reading this blog or a potential participant—it makes sense to ask: What do other teens have to say? Why do young people & their parents choose VISIONS, and why do they choose to come back year after year?

Let’s find out! In this blog, we’ll share words from some of our returning alum, and you can hear why they decided to come back to VISIONS for more service and more adventure.

Why Do Kids Return to VISIONS?

What made you choose VISIONS?

I enjoyed VISIONS my first summer, working in the BVI (British Virgin Islands) with the other kids and people. As soon as I came home, I asked to go to another one. I met so many interesting people and learned new skills.

What do you hope to gain?

I want to continue to better understand the world and people. BVI taught me how to use different equipment to build storage shelves for a local nonprofit and how to trust my partners. I really liked this.

What challenge might you face?

With BVI, I was in a new place without my parents. Now I want to experience another part of the world and learn more.

Elam F.

What made you choose VISIONS?

I chose the VISIONS program because of my experience last year. I like the fact that VISIONS has a strong focus service, but also having fun.

What do you hope to gain?

I hope to gain knowledge of the area, improve my Spanish and contribute to the community the best I can.

What challenge might you face?

I need to challenge myself in adapting to a new place. I am so used to my everyday school and home routine that it is becoming too natural to me. I want to break out of that pattern for the summer and become more comfortable in a new place.

Zoe W.

What made you choose VISIONS?

Last year was one of the best experiences I’ve ever had. Immersing myself in the culture and doing meaningful community service projects that really made an impact on the community was so exciting and different than anything I have ever done. I’m looking forward to another meaningful experience with VISIONS.

What do you hope to gain?

I hope to gain perspective. I am very fortunate to have many opportunities, and anytime I volunteer and learn the struggles of others I realize again how lucky I am. Gratitude and giving back to the community is so important, and VISIONS encourages this.

What challenge might you face?

Last summer, it took me a while to get into Circle. I didn’t understand how to express my emotions so freely and openly, with the expectation that no one was judging. This summer I hope to push myself during Circle.

Jasmine B.

What made you choose VISIONS?

My first summer I went on a VISIONS program to Peru. To be completely honest, I loved it. One of the best experiences in my life. I made countless new friends around the world and got to help people around the world.

What do you hope to gain?

This year, I hope to gain more knowledge and insight of the life of people in another culture. I also hope to make more relationships with new people.

What challenge might you face?

This summer, I believe I may need to challenge myself in the sense of being more open to different cultures and expectations. In Peru, for the first while I was there, I don’t think I immersed myself much in the local tradition, especially in the sense of food, which I was not very open to.

Cedric B.

What made you choose VISIONS?

For the past two summers I have done VISIONS programs, and each time I did them I had an amazing experience and met wonderful people.

What do you hope to gain?

I hope to gain new experiences and be open to trying things I haven’t done before.

What challenge might you face?

I think that I want to challenge myself to work as hard as I can, but also remember to not overwork myself.

Ana K.

What made you choose VISIONS?

I choose this VISIONS program because I think it is a great way to help the community on the British Virgin Islands while also having some fun.

What do you hope to gain?

I hope to gain new friendships and connections with people and learn more about the Islands themselves.

What challenge might you face?

I think I will challenge myself by interacting with the locals and other kids in the group.

Kagan R.

What made you choose VISIONS?

The reason that I chose VISIONS is because of the service. I am a member of the National Honor Society and I love service. These camps provide both service and adventure which is perfect in my mind.

What do you hope to gain?

I hope to gain new friends and experiences. I also hope to gain leadership skills.

What challenge might you face?

I might need to challenge myself with group projects. I don’t work in groups very often and this is a good opportunity to work with other people and meet new people.

Jarin M.

Want to Learn More About VISIONS?

If you’d like to explore VISIONS further, learn about the type of programs we offer, our values & mission, program life and more—then check out our FAQ section! You’ll find in-depth answers to common questions like What distinguishes VISIONS from other teen service programs? Who participates in VISIONS? What does tuition include? and What is daily life like on a VISIONS program? 

We wish you luck in your journey to find a service learning program, and hope to hear from you soon! Don’t be afraid to reach out via the “Chat With VISIONS” box on the bottom of our webpage if you have any other questions : ) 

Do you have a VISIONS Story?

Fill out an interview for our Spotlight Series or submit a story of your own format or creative expression.

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