Community Service Trips to the Northern Cheyenne

Summer Search

If you like the work of VISIONS, you’ll love what Summer Search does. For the past 25 years individual students from Summer Search have joined our summer service programs, but starting last year, full Summer Search groups have participated in community service trips to the Northern Cheyenne Reservation in Montana as a VISIONS custom program. This is a relationship that we are mighty proud of. Here’s why . . .

What is Summer Search?

In short, Summer Search is a nonprofit organization working with diverse young people to excel in their educational and professional pursuits.

In their words, “Since 1990, we have partnered with high schools, community-based organizations, families, and supporters to provide opportunities for high school students from low-income communities to overcome systemic inequalities through mentoring and transformative experiences.”

How does it work?

Summer Search partners with high schools in underserved communities whose staff nominate sophomores who show high potential. This kicks off a long-term, holistic mentorship aimed at helping the student reach their full potential.

The student receives full scholarships for two transformative summer experiences and a total of nine years of support on accomplishing their long-term goals of post-secondary education, workforce participation and financial stability.

Additionally, the Summer Search alumni network is over 7,000 strong and growing, providing opportunities and support for one another. Read more about their program HERE.

What kind of impact does Summer Search have?

  • Summer Search students are 3x more likely to graduate with a 4-year degree than their peers!
  • 97% of their high school seniors are accepted into college.
  • Over 90% of their students are the first in their families to go to college.
  • Watch their short video about helping young people thrive HERE.

Where does VISIONS come in?

VISIONS has been one of Summer Search’s key partners for more than two decades. In addition to providing the them with life-changing service trips for teens, we can attest that Summer Search students bring depth, diversity and fun to our programs. The growth of this relationship has resulted in the addition of VISIONS custom programs for Summer Search groups that find transformative experiences on community service trips to the Northern Cheyenne Reservation in Montana.

How can you help young people soar?

Contribute to Summer Search participations in VISIONS programs by donating to VISIONS Foundation and typing “Summer Search Scholarship” into the comments section. This helps us welcome more Summer Search participants on our summer service programs as well as custom programs for Summer Search groups like that of community service trips to the Northern Cheyenne.

Support Summer Search Scholarships

Enter “Summer Search Scholarship” into the Notes

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