I am so pleased with Jordan’s experiences in the two summers he’s been in your program. It really clicked for him this year. He’s still in bed, but we stayed up all night talking about his trip. His eyes teared up twice over leaving Montana and the kids, and he actually cried as he was telling me about different incidences (not because he was sad, but because he was feeling so good about it).

He had nothing but praises about every aspect of the program and is already asking where he should consider going next year. I read the comment card that the other kids wrote about him and it was so wonderful to hear how warm their affections were for Jordon and how much they appreciated him. This program has done wonders for his self-esteem. It’s been so validating for him. It amazes me how unashamedly emotional he is about the staff and group members. Being cool is not as important to him as honestly expressing his feelings. I attribute that to the emotionally safe atmosphere….within the program. It is so personally validating. I can never thank you enough for giving Jordan the chance to continue to develop and grow.

Loren Pope should write an article entitled, Service Programs That Change Lives. Visions absolutely meets that criteria. Thank you for further reinforcing what we’re trying to instill at home. I always feel that Jordan is in good hands when he’s with your program. He always returns home a better person than when he left. Many kudos and sincere gratitude to you and your staff.

~ Margaret Snipe

VISIONS in The New York Times