Answer to the question, “What is a Wilderness First Responder?”
The visions blog
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Program Highlights: Montana Summer 1
30 adventurous teens worked on sustainable farming and regenerative ranching activities, permaculture, volunteering at the Food Bank, packaging books for distribution to Montana reservations, and site preparations at a local cohousing neighborhood.
Growing the Nonprofit VISIONS Foundation
The VISIONS Foundation was established in 2016 and promotes cross cultural exchange by supporting service-learning opportunities for students around the world. The Foundation also partners with international organizations to respond to their community’s most pressing needs. Building on the Foundation’s past success, we are focusing additional effort in growing its capacity this summer.
Spotlight: Hilary Moses, VISIONS ALUM
VISIONS alum, Hilary Moses, reflects on the high school summer program that influenced her educational and professional tracks towards becoming a therapist of adolescents.
Spotlight: Emma Friedman, VISIONS ALUM
Read and watch a heartfelt interview with 2019 Montana Blackfeet participant, Emma Friedman, about her teen volunteer experience.
Spotlight: Arielle Ortega, VISIONS ALUM
Interview with 2019 Montana Blackfeet participant, Arielle Ortega, on what she is up to now, what she took away from the teen service trip, and where she is headed.