Growing Nonprofit Foundation

VISIONS Foundation Bolsters Impact in 2020

The last few months have provided us all with moments of uncertainty but also the gift of time to reflect, re-evaluate, plan and adapt. While the 2020 summer programs for VISIONS Service Adventures look very different this year, we remain committed to our participants and partner communities. However, without the opportunity to support local projects and engage in cultural exchange this season we are adapting the VISIONS model by utilizing its nonprofit arm, the VISIONS Foundation.

The VISIONS Foundation was established in 2016 and promotes cross-cultural exchange by supporting service-learning opportunities for students around the world. The Foundation also partners with international organizations to respond to their community’s needs. Building on the Foundation’s past success, we are focusing additional effort in growing it’s capacity this summer. 

The Foundation will bolster our commitment to service by empowering the VISIONS community to help support these worthy endeavors. There are ways to get involved and make a difference today. 

  • Are you a VISIONS alumni and interested in giving back and providing needed support to your host community ? Host an alumni fundraiser. Let us know you’re interested and we’ll set you up with all of the tools. Email for details.

Looking for inspiration? Check out the fundraiser Samantha Ford just launched that helps expand the capacity of work being done by organizations on Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation.

  • Time is valuable today. If you’d still like to give back to the VISIONS community you can make a monetary gift here. Your gift will make an immense impact.

Are you interested in learning more about the VISIONS Foundation? Sign up to join the Foundation email list today. We’ll be sharing more information about scholarship recipients, VISIONS community partners, and alumni updates.

Join VISIONS Foundation Email List

Join the VISIONS Foundation email list to stay informed about fundraising opportunities for low-income student scholarships and international community assistance.

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