High school service Location

Dominican Republic


Immerse yourself in one of the most energized cultures of the Western Hemisphere. Dive into an experience far off the tourist path and impossible to create without the backdrop of more than three decades of partnerships between VISIONS and your Dominican hosts. You’re taken in like an old friend in a place where the impact of service is profound and where you’ll feel like you’re truly part of something bigger.

  • Spanish Immersion, Latin-Caribbean Vibrance
  • Socializing, Games, Beach Outing & Tours
  • School Construction & Work With Children
  • 30+ Year Legacy Of Good Times & Powerful Projects

Program dates

Dominican Republic 1


June 16 - June 30


15 Days

Service hours

45 - 55



Dominican Republic 2


July 4 - July 18


15 Days

Service hours

45 - 55



Dominican Republic 1


June 16 - June 30


15 Days

Service hours

45 - 55



Dominican Republic 2


July 4 - July 18


15 Days

Service hours

45 - 55



My VISIONS trip to the Dominican Republic was the most life-changing experience of my life. Living in the community immersed us in a culture where family is the number one priority. By the end of the trip I feel like our group truly replicated this concept.

Teodora Lupu

Connect deeply

Dominicans’ warmth and resilience have charmed VISIONS participants since 1991. You’ll feel it from the day you first arrive.

friends become family



The Dominican Republic is arguably the most environmentally diverse, culturally vibrant and historically rich country in the Caribbean—and it beckons you to visit.

Going Beyond

A country as varied as the DR delivers abundant adventures, one of the hallmarks of the VISIONS program. In addition to boating and swimming at the pristine Presa de Hatillo that is the largest freshwater lake in the Caribbean, we carve out time for beach visits, hikes, learning everything from chocolate-making to Dominican cooking, playing soccer and baseball with local kids, and more.

Your time will be authentic and truly different from what can be accessed as a tourist. This is the perfect program for any teen seeking a profound experience that feels like a daily adventure. Merengue music entices, laughter is shared, and you’ll return home wishing that all of life can be as fun as your time in the DR!

Activities & excursions

  • Swim in the Caribbean
  • Immerse in Local Culture During a Day Stay with a Family
  • Boat & Swim at the Largest Freshwater Lake in the Caribbean
  • Tour a Cacao Farm & Make Chocolate
  • Practice Spanish with Local Friends
  • Take Merengue & Salsa Dance Lessons
  • Visit Los Haitises National Park & Boat Through Mangroves

I was able to get outside my comfort zone and overcame fears about traveling independently. I am so glad I picked this trip and that I got to experience all those amazing new things.

Charlotte Di Guglielmo


Service matters

During our 30+ years in the DR, VISIONS teens have made an impact beyond what we ever could have imagined. Participants have built homes, a medical clinic, community centers and schools. Each year more than 3500 Dominican children attend classes in schools built by VISIONS and our local partners. The gratitude from the community is demonstrated by welcoming us into their lives and working with us at project sites.

In addition to hands-on masonry work of building additions at schools, we run a fun educational day camp, design and paint murals, and complete other small projects as needed.

I had a blast in the DR! I believe the service built character for me and I would do it all again in a heartbeat. I learned values that will stick with me for the rest of my life and I also learned not to take anything for granted.

Ryan Wilkins


“I had a wonderful experience that I know I will never forget and made friends that I will hope to keep forever. I wasn’t sure about going away from home for part of the summer but it was probably the best single experience of my life so far and there is so much about it that I’ve taken home with me in terms of gratitude and wanting to be part of my community in new ways.”


“The community in Cotui welcomed us like no other. I truly felt like family and I left a part of my heart in the DR with the local friends there. It was heartbreaking to leave a place and a people I fell so in love with. I always felt welcome to talk to my leaders and they were great mentors for our group. I hope I can return and be a leader some day, but I also plan on returning for another program while I’m still in high school.”


“I really liked the construction work — it was challenging but not too difficult, and I am very proud of the amount and quality of the work we were able to accomplish. I loved getting to know the Dominicans and really appreciated the amount of time we were able to send with them. Every Dominican I met was so friendly, happy, and fun to talk to!! I also really enjoyed learning about Dominican culture. I had an absolutely amazing time!!”


Local spotlight

where you’ll live in dominican republic

We live in the energized town of Cotui, a historic locale that dates to the early 1500s. Off the beaten path in a welcoming neighborhood, VISIONS participants find their vibrant home away from home.

Our homebase is in the quaint but lively neighborhood of Cotui known as Quitasueño (read more about our Dominican homebase). Days are characterized by the companionship of Dominican friends, project partners and children. Many afternoons end with a game of dominoes or vitilla, the precursor to baseball that kids play with a broomstick and plastic bottle cap.

We also experience the culture beyond our neighborhood by visiting marketplaces and working with Dominicans who do not speak English—the perfect conditions for sharpening your Spanish skills. And when words fail us, our strong basis of mutual respect and deep friendship provides a bridge across any language barrier.

Local spotlight

where you’ll live in dominican republic


Local team spotlight

Santos Ramos, Dominican Project Coordinator

In many ways, the Ramos family is like most Dominican families—warm and outgoing, loving, hard-working and humorous. In other ways, though, they stand alone. They are legendary for their selfless service in their community and as part of VISIONS. The Ramos family has been our family in the Dominican Republic since we began working there in 1991. They have embraced, guided and advised us, providing loving wisdom and active support.

Want to know more?

Check out our D.R. photo gallery and trip itineraries.

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What is your VIA?

What is your VIA? At VISIONS, VIA means Vision, Impact, Action—helping teens discover their purpose, make a difference, and create lasting change through service.