Santos Ramos

Dominican Republic Project Coordinator

Visions Service Adventures Executive Director Katherine Dayton

Carlos “Santos” Bonifacio Ramos is respected as a pillar of his neighborhood and is dedicated to serving others. Santos and his wife Lidia are long-time members and past presidents of the Lions Club (Club de Leones), one of VISIONS primary project partners since 1991. Their DR-based Club de Leones of Sabana Perdida has earned high acclaim as one of the most active Lions Clubs in the world. For more than 30 years, they have worked with VISIONS on large and small-scale projects alike, and members work year-round to serve their communities, especially in the field of education. Santos’ level of engagement with this organization is a testament to his work ethic and to the importance he places on serving others.

In addition to helping in the off-season to set up projects and programming, Santos is with us full-time during the programs, supervising service projects, working side by side with participants, and nurturing ever-stronger ties between our host community and us.

Santos is well-known among former VISIONS participants and leaders for his infectious smile and laugh, as well as his intimate knowledge of the myriad worksites and construction projects we undertake. Santos is nothing less than the wise, discerning and eminently respected elder.

Visions Service Adventures Executive Director Katherine Dayton

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