The visions blog

Dig deeper into stories of friendships, community and projects.


Continuing Community Service in the U.S. and Abroad

By Stacy Bodow, VISIONS Program Director There is something about the high I feel on the heels of each VISIONS summer program abroad that keeps me coming back. It is more than just the wonderful memories I have of the teen travel programs and the work, the people and...

Camp Curious

There are summer camps—and then there are summer experiences. Is your kid ready for a skill-expanding adventure? By Erika Rasmusson Janes Mention the word “camp” and most parents have images of canoe rides and singing "Kumbaya" around the campfire. Those traditional...

Volunteering: Cultural Understanding Through Experience

It’s almost cliché to say that most of what constitutes hard news these days is depressing and disheartening (or inanely celebrity-focused, in this writer’s opinion).  The economic, health, political, environmental issues around the globe taken together can feel...

Community Friends on the Northern Cheyenne

She is an elegant woman, calm and composed, soft-spoken and thoughtful. When she smiles, her strong wide face lights up, she laughs easily, and her eyes twinkle. Since our first summer on the Northern Cheyenne Reservation, Florence Running Wolf and her husband, Mike,...

Teen Travel Camps May Be Over, But the Need Goes On

2004 alumnus, Victoria Hynes, organizes a book drive to stock the new library at Cheyenne Children Services The ultimate testament to any endeavor is the long-term impact it has on people’s lives. Time and again, our alumni return home from a teen summer program so...

Community Friend Highlight: Pierrette Cairo

You notice her immediately. Deep golden brown complexion. Close-cropped blonde hair. Flowing, colorful clothes, always the latest pret-a-porter French fashions from sunglasses to shoes¬.  Standing barely 4’10” Pierrette Cairo is a giant of a human being, a force of...