Please Sign: Enrollment Contract

Enrollment Contract

Please read this document carefully and completely before signing. Parent/guardian and participant must sign and initial this document. “I,” “me,” “my,” or other first person references shall include both the participant and the participant’s parent/guardian, unless the context requires otherwise. References to “participant” includes adults and minors. References to “program” may include but is not limited to: leaders, other participants, community partners and associates.


Tuition includes almost all program expenses, such as: 

  • Lodging during the program

  • Meals and healthy snacks

  • Service projects

  • Activities and excursions 

  • Curriculum

  • Transportation during the program

  • VISIONS leaders, local staff, and guides

Tuition does not include airfare, baggage fees or other travel-related expenses, medical expenses, evacuation insurance, health and travel/trip insurance, personal spending money, country arrival or departure fees, lodging related to travel or medical care, or costs related to late arrival or early departure. .Since participants sometimes do not bring adequate funds for these non-covered expenses, VISIONS adds $300 to tuition and fully reimburses whatever is not used by or for the participant during the program.

Tuition Dates:

  • Deposit: $800 deposit is due upon being accepted, is applied toward tuition, and holds a space on the program. It is fully refundable until January 15th and then becomes nonrefundable.

  • Tuition Balance:  Due March 1st or must be paid in full if registering after March 1st. 

  • Refunds: Tuition is 50% refundable until 75 days before the program start date, after which point it is nonrefundable. 

We understand that personal and family plans sometimes change, and we therefore strongly recommend purchasing trip cancellation insurance for additional protection. Contact your insurance provider or refer to the VISIONS website FAQ section for options. 

Notification of a participant’s program cancellation must be received in writing in order to receive the 50% refund.

Because VISIONS makes commitments and financial decisions related to each person’s participation in advance of the program, tuitions outlined above are nonrefundable for any reason, including but not limited to, family or personal emergencies, physical or mental illness or injury voluntary departure, participant dismissal, and general concerns, anxieties, and/or failure to comply with quarantine and testing requirements related to communicable diseases or epidemics. 

Listed tuition prices are for payment via ACH transfer or check. Payment by credit card is an additional 3%, and payment by international wire is $30.

IF VISIONS MUST CANCEL, REFUND POLICIES ARE MODIFIED: Program activities or sites may be altered or canceled due to any force majeure, including, but not limited to, weather, fires, inaccessibility, disease outbreaks or epidemics, governmental order or other such reasons, cultural sensitivities, or other conditions affecting the wellbeing of participants. Participants will be notified as soon as possible in the case of significant changes. If the program must close after the program begins but before the scheduled last day, whether by government order or by a decision from VISIONS that doing so is in the best interests of participants and leaders, tuition will not be refunded and VISIONS is not responsible for other expenses incurred including airfare, credit card fees, and any other costs, losses or other damages. Trip insurance is always encouraged.

In the case of cancellation by VISIONS before the start of program, the options include:

  • Transfer to another available program of participant’s choice (transfer to a less expensive program will receive a refund of the balance; transfer to a more expensive program will necessitate payment of tuition difference). 

  • Carry full tuition (including the $800 deposit) to a future program (three year deadline; transferable to family or friends).

  • Receive a full refund of tuition paid, less the $800 non-refundable deposit.

  • Roll tuition to the VISIONS Foundation for a tax-deductible donation.

Terms of Participation


All VISIONS policies are established with health and welfare, common sense, group dynamic, and local laws in mind. 

VISIONS is a Zero Tolerance program regarding consumption, possession, or attempted possession of alcohol and drugs, including medical marijauna/illegal substances. Consuming, possessing, or attempting to possess alcohol or drugs/illegal substances will result in immediate dismissal from the program. Participants may not abuse over-the-counter drugs or use medications not prescribed to them. Other activities that are prohibited on the program include: (1) Sexual contact—meaning conduct deemed unacceptable in public places, and (2)use of tobacco, vape pens and e-cigarettes.

VISIONS expects that all participants understand that they will be asked to put the group’s needs ahead of their own. Participants are ambassadors for VISIONS while in our host communities, and are expected to uphold an ethic of service and goodwill. Appropriate, considerate conduct, and respect for program policies are essential. We live and work in the public eye, and appropriate behavior, language, and clothing are necessary. Participants assume responsibility for their conduct and their part in creating a productive group experience.

VISIONS may refuse and/or rescind acceptance at any time, to any participant who is believed to be unsuitable for VISIONS programs, for reasons including but not limited to: physical or mental health, physical ability with or without reasonable accommodation, behavioral history, attitude, or if the participant is not in agreement with VISIONS terms of participation/program goals. Failure to disclose information regarding the participant that results in inappropriate program placement is cause for dismissal without a refund. If VISIONS rescinds a participant’s acceptance prior to the program start date, tuition will be reimbursed at the sole discretion of VISIONS. 

VISIONS reserves the right to rescind participation in a program at any time to any participant who subjects the program to any risk of harm or disrespect. Inappropriate or romantic relationships, ongoing profanity, pervasive negativity, bullying, unsafe conduct, self-harm, body modifications, and chronic defiance of protocols also are grounds for reprimand/dismissal at the sole discretion of VISIONS. Body modifications include new tattoos or piercings, and any other activities or actions that would subject one to unnecessary health risks and/or wound care. 

Dismissal or early departure from a program is without rebate or refund. Expenses related to dismissal, such as a new flight, are the responsibility of the participant and parent/ guardian. In the event of dismissal, the parent/ guardian is responsible for purchasing a ticket for the most immediate flight home that the program approve in order to accommodate travel time to the airport. Transportation to the airport may require hiring a professional driver or chaperone in cases when leaders are not able to leave the program for these special trips, in which case the parent/ guardian will be responsible for the additional cost.


VISIONS suggests that flights are booked with our designated travel agent. Flights follow arrival and departure time parameters, and the travel agent books participants on the same itineraries whenever possible. If a participant chooses to book through an alternative option, the itinerary must be approved by VISIONS prior to booking. VISIONS will approve flights that fall within the defined arrival and departure parameters, or may opt to charge an additional transportation fee for travel outside of the defined parameters. If a flight is approved and booked through an alternative option, the itinerary must immediately be provided to VISIONS. 

Flights are not chaperoned by VISIONS staff. Delays, cancellations, missed flights, or other travel issues are not the responsibility of VISIONS nor VISIONS designated travel agent. While we attempt to assist with travel issues, please note that airline schedules, weather, and other unforeseen circumstances are out of our control, and parent/guardian or participant may need to be in touch with airlines directly, and in rare situations may need to stay in airport hotels unaccompanied. 


All participants are required to comply with the dress code as outlined on the packing list. The modest dress codes have been developed intentionally to be appropriate for the cultural and social standards in our communities. As guests, temporary residents, and collaborative partners in our host communities, insensitivity to the dress code interrupts the program and undermines important local relationships. Participants may only bring clothing that falls within dress code parameters. If dress codes are not followed, the participant may be required to immediately purchase appropriate clothing at their own expense.


VISIONS is an electronics/gadget-free program, meaning laptops, tablets, e-readers, music devices and other tech should not be brought to the program. (We have music & speakers at many of our worksites and homebase.) With the exception of a call home when met by VISIONS staff at the arrival airport, VISIONS is tech free with respect to phones and calls or digital messages, and VISIONS collects cell phones upon a participant’s arrival. Parents are contacted if a participant is taken to a clinic or if program deems another situation requires contacting parent/ guardian  . For urgent matters and questions during the summers, parent/ guardian may contact the VISIONS office. During off-hours, a 24-hour number is provided on the office message system. 

Cameras are allowed, but must be separate from a phone or Internet device. Unnecessary valuables, including tech devices beyond a cell phones, should be left at home. While leaders do their best to secure all belongings on site, VISIONS is not responsible for theft or loss of personal property or equipment, nor are those items covered by VISIONS insurance.


Menus consist of meat, vegetarian and vegan entrees and side dishes. VISIONS makes a concerted effort to reduce food animal products from factory farming sourcing, meaning that many options will include plant-based options as well as meat and dairy from local, ethically harvested sources. Any food allergies and dietary restrictions must be noted on the Health and Behavior Form so that requests can be evaluated in advance of the program.

Accommodations and resources available in program locations are unsophisticated compared to home. We live in communal and rustic settings and make every effort to create a comfortable, clean, and welcoming environment within the framework of the host community. In locations where tap water is not potable, we purchase bottled water for drinking and cooking.


Please read this document carefully and completely before signing. This document must be signed by parent/guardian and participant. “I,” “me,” “my,” or other first person references shall include both the parent and the participant, unless the context requires otherwise. References to “participant” include both minor and adult participants. If you do not understand any part of this agreement, please contact the VISIONS home office by email or phone.

In consideration of the services of VISIONS Service Adventures, its agents, owners, officers, employees, representatives, independent contractors, volunteers, and all other persons or entities associated with it (collectively referred to as “VISIONS”), I have read and agree to the following:


I understand that VISIONS programs often take place in communities and locations that lack modern facilities and resources. I understand the nature of the programs and that there are foreseeable and unforeseeable inherent risks. The same elements that contribute to the unique character of these programs can cause loss or damage to personal property, accidental injury, illness, and in extreme cases could cause permanent trauma, disability, or death. I understand that VISIONS holds the health and wellbeing of participants in highest regard, and the intention of this document is to inform, rather than to frighten or reduce enthusiasm of the participant. The following describes some, but not all, of the risks, hazards, and dangers of participating in a service/travel/adventure program, including but not limited to VISIONS: 

  • Medical care providers, facilities, and available medications may not be to the same standards that participants have access to at home. Diagnosis and prescription practices may differ from traditional Western medical care. Communication, transportation, and evacuation can be delayed.

  • There is a possibility of diarrhea, bacteria, and illness associated with food and water.

  • There is a possibility of allergens related to food and other sources. Participants are responsible for inquiring about food substances and any potential allergens.

  • VISIONS leaders must make various judgments and decisions that can be, by their nature, imprecise and subject to error. There are risks involved in decision making and conduct, including, without limitation, the risk that a VISIONS leader or representative may misjudge a participant’s capabilities, or misjudge weather, terrain, water level, terrain route location, or some aspect of medical treatment.

  • There will be physical activity that includes working on service projects with construction materials and power tools, recreating in the outdoors, adventure activities, swimming, assisting with cleaning and home base duties, playing games, and other activities in each program.

  • There is a potential that the participant, other participants, or third parties (e.g. rescue squad, medical facility) may act carelessly, recklessly, or generally fail to exercise care.

  • There is a possibility of exposure to wild animals, dogs, livestock, insects, and bites/stings that can result in harm or diseases/illnesses. VISIONS cannot guarantee that participants will not be attacked, bitten, stung, infected, or otherwise hurt. VISIONS leaders are not responsible for inspecting participants for insects/bites, and participants should self-inspect, requesting assistance if needed. 

  • Participants will utilize various modes of travel, including but not limited to: air, foot, motor, train, bicycle, tractors, and other means of travel on private and public transportation. This can include risks associated with transportation in another country, remote location, and inclement conditions, such as dangerous road or travel conditions. 

  • There are times during VISIONS programs that do not include direct supervision by leaders. Participants will have free time and unsupervised activities both at the home base and at other places during the program. Throughout the program, during both supervised and unsupervised activities, all participants are responsible for their personal health and wellbeing to include, but not limited to, eating regular, balanced meals, maintaining a regular sleep schedule, and taking any prescribed medications accordingly. Neglect of personal wellness, not taking or altering doses of required medication as prescribed, sharing non-prescribed medications with others, and/or failure to seek help when the student’s mental or physical health is perceived as declining by staff, will result in immediate intervention, and may result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.

  • Participants and programs in foreign countries may be exposed to laws, legal systems, customs and behaviors, animals, diseases and infections that are not common to the United States.

  • Participants and programs may be exposed to civil unrest, war, terrorist activity, extreme weather, riots, demonstrations, banditry, theft, and other criminal conduct. 

  • Participants may tend stoves, set up tents, assist with farm and ranch work, move fencing, work with farm animals, use hand, garden and power tools, do strenuous labor and be challenged on backpacking trips, hikes and climbing, skiing, and other activities related to work projects and activities.

  • Some of the experience involves activities and interactions that may be new to our participants, and that come with uncertainties beyond what our participants may be used to dealing with at home, including but not limited to uneven terrain, collisions, being struck by thrown objects, inclement weather, remote locations, and other risks. 

  • I further acknowledge that I am not undergoing medical treatment that may compromise my immune system. I am aware that VISIONS cannot guarantee that a participant will not come into contact with other participants, leaders, or other people who have communicable diseases, including but not limited to COVID-19, viruses, or illnesses, and I am aware that participants may contract one of these things while at VISIONS. I fully understand this risk. 

I understand that the above description of risks is not complete and that other risks, hazards, and dangers may result in injury, damage, death, or other loss. I acknowledge that program activities may require a degree of skill and knowledge that is different from what I am accustomed to. I understand that acceptance to a VISIONS program is not intended as a representation that VISIONS will be able to successfully manage a medical event or emergency related to a disclosed, or undisclosed, medical condition. I understand that VISIONS cannot legally provide guidance on vaccinations or medically related actions. Therefore, I understand that the primary responsibility for determining an individual’s suitability for a program lies with the participant and guidance from a physician. I agree to accurately complete the health form and other documents required by VISIONS, and to notify VISIONS in writing of any changes in medical conditions prior to the first day of the program. I am aware of these risks and assume them on my behalf and/or on behalf of my child. 

I acknowledge that the VISIONS office is available should I have further questions about the nature and risks associated with these activities. I understand that the presence of VISIONS leaders is no assurance of safety or the lessening of any of these risks.

I have reviewed and understand VISIONS program information from the website and any other materials received. I understand that participants must report signs of illness and/or insect bites to VISIONS. I understand that each participant should examine themselves upon return home for evidence of illness/bites, and to take necessary medical precautions. Any disability arising during the program must also be examined and verified by a physician of VISIONS choosing. I understand that I am advised to consult with a physician, travel doctor, CDC, World Health Organization, and/or State Department for questions or further resources related to health and travel for the program. 

Participation in VISIONS is purely voluntary, and I choose to participate in spite of, and with knowledge of the risks: both those that have and those that have not been identified within this document. I assume and accept full responsibility for myself, for the risks, and for any injuries, death, property loss, or expenses that result from associated risks and/or my own negligence.


I hereby agree to forever release VISIONS of any and all liability, waiver of all possible claims, and responsibility for any loss or damage to person or property arising out of any injury, damage, death, or other loss in any way connected with my enrollment and participation in the VISIONS program. I agree to indemnify (“indemnify” meaning protect by reimbursement or payment) VISIONS against all claims, liabilities, losses, suits, or expenses (including costs and reasonable attorney fees), arising out of any injury, damage, death or other loss in any way connected with my enrollment or participation in a VISIONS program. This release and indemnity includes any and all claims arising before or after the program or during any free time. These agreements of Release and Indemnity are intended to be enforced to the fullest extent permitted by law and include claims of negligence, but not claims of gross negligence or intentionally wrongful conduct. For activities that occur on National Park Service land and to the extent required by law, the above acknowledgement and assumption of risks is limited to assuming only the inherent risks.

I grant permission to VISIONS leaders to act as kind and judicious parents for me for the period of the program. Permission is granted to VISIONS and/or assigns to hospitalize, treat, or order injections, anesthesia, surgery, or other medical care for me. I authorize VISIONS leaders and/or assigns to use non-prescription and prescribed medicine. I understand that VISIONS leaders and administration are acting in loco parentis and have full authority to make medical decisions, and that medical providers are authorized to communicate with VISIONS about my condition. I agree to pay all costs associated with medical care, evacuation and transportation.

I understand the nature of this program and its activities and voluntarily accept these risks, and to the fullest extent allowed under law, waive claims I may now and in the future have against VISIONS from all liability and covenant.

I understand that VISIONS has zero tolerance rules regarding alcohol, drugs in any form, whether or not in accordance with a prescription, and sexual contact, and that breaking such a rule will result in dismissal from the program and forfeiting community service hours. Ongoing failure to fully contribute to service work and other push-back of program’s rules or guidelines may result in reduced service hours. Activities such as sexualized physical touching, verbal comments of a sexual nature, or anything that could be construed as sexual advances or unwelcomed/unwanted behavior is not appropriate. VISIONS programs are based on creating a secure and welcoming environment for all genders, races, sexual preferences, religions, cultures, and nationalities. Any type of bullying or sexual activity, whether explicit or implied, will be addressed immediately and may lead to early dismissal from the program. 

I understand that participants will carry and administer their own medications and must understand how to responsibly use and administer their medications, per their physisican’t instructions. I understand that the use of prescription and non-prescription drugs is a matter that VISIONS takes very seriously. The abuse of prescription and over-the-counter medications is a growing problem and VISIONS encourages parents/guardians to discuss this trend and its dangers with participant. Risks include, but are not limited to: participants bringing undisclosed drugs, swapping, selling, or trading their medications with other program participants. Not only are these actions illegal, but they would result in a participant being removed from the program. Program may hold controlled medications for a participant if deemed appropriate. 

I understand that there are also expectations for acceptable behavior during the program. Any costs and travel arrangements associated with early departure / dismissal from the program are my responsibility.   

I give permission to VISIONS to use photos, film, or comments of or from me or my child for promotional purposes, such as brochures, press releases, website, social and online media.

Unless the VISIONS home office is notified that there is a court order to the contrary, VISIONS will allow access to the participants records to each of his/her parent/guardian(s) who requests access, regardless of who has custody, who registered him/her, or who paid tuition. 

It is agreed that any dispute or cause of action arising between the parties, whether out of this agreement or otherwise, can only be brought in the Gallatin County Court located in Gallatin County, Montana, and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of Montana. I agree to attempt to settle any dispute (that cannot be settled by discussion) through mediation before a mutually acceptable Montana mediator. If any part of this agreement is found to be invalid by a court or other appropriate authority, the remainder of the agreement nevertheless will be in full force and effect.

I have read and agree with the entirety of this Document and voluntarily agree to its terms, which shall be binding upon them, their heirs, estate, executor, and administrators. This is the entire agreement and may be modified only in writing and signed by the participant.


Participant is attending the program under the following conditions and recognizes that these conditions are subject to change at any time:

  1. VISIONS currently follows the requirements of our host communities. At this time, none of our host communities require Covid vaccines nor do they require providing a negative test.

  2. Each participant should arrive at the program having taken all measures that they and their parent/guardian deem appropriate for safe travels and health. 

If the situation changes or worsens, VISIONS reserves the right to change our policy at any time to require vaccines and/or testing negative to enter a program. Bona fide religious and medical vaccine exemptions would be accepted. Note that proof of vaccination does not exempt participants from any Covid-19 testing or mitigation strategies that may be required by VISIONS.  

Generally speaking, VISIONS takes a symptoms-based approach to respiratory infections, making sure that a participant receives the care needed for recovery. If a participant exhibits symptoms of or tests positive for COVID-19 or another contagious infection during the program, they may be placed in a non-communal sleeping area for recovery and to reduce the spreading of an infection.