Peru: 2024 Service Projects

Teen Volunteers in Peru’s Sacred Valley Continue Work with Quechua Farmers & Local School to Create Lasting Change

In addition to the activities listed below, participants maintained our homebase facilities, helped prepare meals, did chores, and contributed to daily life in ways that fostered independence and built character and confidence. 

In partnership with local organizations and community members, VISIONS teen volunteers and leaders in Peru completed the following service projects over the span of one summer.

Water Conservation

VISIONS participants constructed irrigation canales (canals) alongside indigenous Quechua farmers in the community of Yanahuara. Teens and community members dug trenches, built wood frames, gathered rocks and sand, and mixed, poured and applied cement into the canal walls. Kids mixed ten bags of cement each day and completed approximately 500 yards of canals. The canals dramatically improve irrigation by minimizing water loss and runoff, and the project is part of an ongoing effort to replace the less efficient dirt canals in order to conserve the increasingly limited water supply.

The canales have become a hallmark of VISIONS Peru. Our teens, leaders and community members have constructed dozens of miles to support water conservation as nearby glaciers melt and alpine lakes recede.

Kiosko School Store: Escuela de San Martin de Porres in Yanahuara

Teen volunteers completed construction of the kiosko, or school store, from start to finish. Participants cleared the area of rocks and debris, dug post holes, cut and assembled rebar reinforcements, cut wood and built column frames, and mixed and poured 10’ concrete columns. In the next phase, we removed frames, dug floors for interior rooms, mixed and poured concrete, built interior walls with blocks and cement, stripped bark from eucalyptus trees for roof cross beams, and installed a metal roof. 

Finally, we mixed, sifted and applied cement to stucco the walls, helped install doors and windows, and cleaned all debris from the area. 

As a family with multiple children, this was our fourth VISIONS trip. Each program offers a unique combination of culture, service and friendship in a supportive environment that allows teens to learn not only about themselves but the world at large. We are truly grateful for the opportunities that our children have had during these last several adventures and highly recommend the program for others! 

Ellen T.

Emily researched programs on her own. She was specifically interested in a program that was more service-oriented than experience-oriented. She chose VISIONS Peru for the immersion in Spanish as well as the significant number of service hours, which she felt would allow her to make an actual impact in the community. The Peru program allowed her to challenge herself physically, mentally, and emotionally. The opportunities provided by the team to connect with the local Urubamba community allowed Emily to improve her Spanish and make a difference. She returned home with increased confidence, a strong voice, and memories to last a lifetime. 

Suzanne R.

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What is your VIA?

What is your VIA? At VISIONS, VIA means Vision, Impact, Action—helping teens discover their purpose, make a difference, and create lasting change through service.