In our Dominican Republic service program, where VISIONS teens have had immense impact over three decades of multifaceted community projects, a new chapter is unfolding—one that extends its compassionate reach to the four-legged inhabitants that share the community with its human residents.
Amidst the backdrop of schools, homes, community centers and a clinic constructed over the years, we are excited to include another important aspect of community welfare: animal wellbeing.

For years, VISIONS has been synonymous with transformative initiatives aimed at uplifting communities, but the growing need to address animal welfare has become increasingly important to us. The Dominican Republic, like many other regions across the globe, grapples with issues of animal abandonment, overpopulation and lack of access to veterinary care. Recognizing this need, we are working with Hacienda Urbana, a veterinarian group capable of performing up to 40 spay and neuter surgeries per day and providing other necessary medical care.
The collaboration with Hacienda Urbana marks a significant milestone, as it integrates animal welfare into our existing framework of community service in the Dominican Republic. VISIONS provides volunteer opportunities for high schoolers to make a tangible impact in the lives of both people and animals. During the one-day clinic, high school volunteers will play an important role by coordinating logistics and assisting with animal recuperation care. This hands-on involvement fosters a deeper connection with the community and instills a sense of responsibility and empathy toward animals.

Central to VISIONS animal welfare initiative is increasing education and awareness within the community about the importance of spaying and neutering. Many local animals find themselves abandoned and unwanted, contributing to the cycle of overpopulation and suffering. By working with our other local partners (the Lions Club, Junta de Vecinos and the Mayor’s office) to provide informational material about the benefits of spaying and neutering, we aim to start breaking this cycle and creating a more sustainable and compassionate environment for humans and animals alike.
Outreach efforts extend beyond the walls of the clinic, with VISIONS and our partner groups actively engaging with the community through meetings & informal gatherings, and animal-focused curriculum at the campamento youth summer camp. These volunteer opportunities for high schoolers also help young individuals develop leadership skills and gain a deeper understanding of the importance of community service and animal welfare.
The Dominican Republic isn’t the only location where VISIONS addresses animal welfare. On the Montana Blackfeet Indian Reservation, we volunteer at the local shelter and also foster puppies while they wait for forever homes.

As VISIONS continues to expand its impact into the realm of animal welfare, the possibilities for positive change are limitless. Through collaboration, education, and hands-on involvement, VISIONS exemplifies the transformative power of collective action in creating a more compassionate and sustainable world. By weaving together the threads of community service and animal welfare, we cultivate hope, resilience, and empathy that transcend borders and touch the lives of all who inhabit our shared planet.