Field Director Attends White House Champions of Change

“What is going to change the world today is the same thing that has changed it in the past: an idea, and the service of dedicated individuals committed to that idea.”     –Sargent Shriver, Peace Corps founder

Last month past VISIONS program director (Dr.) Joby Taylor was invited to an inaugural roundtable meeting at the White House for President Obama’s “Winning the Future: Champions of Change” initiative. Joby joined a small group of Returned Peace Corps Volunteers, all civic leaders in their communities, from around the country for a conversation with senior White House staff about service and civic engagement.

Joby forged the foundation for VISIONS community service program in Guadeloupe as its Program Director from 1997 through 2000. He is a dear friend and occasional advisor to us. Joby, who was a Peace Corps volunteer in Gabon, Africa, is Director of the Shriver Peaceworker Fellows Program and Affiliate Faculty, Language Literacy & Culture at the University of Maryland Baltimore Campus. Joby’s profile and a short video are featured on the White House website.

We noted with a bit of pride that Joby mentions his work with VISIONS in his official White House bio.

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