From the Airport to Home Base

July 10, 2023
VISIONS DR participants are getting to know one another and forming lasting friendships.

My first impression of the Dominican Republic was very intimidating. I suddenly had all these questions in my mind. “How will the lady at the center know I’m trying to be polite if I mess up?” “How do I communicate the duration of my stay?” “Is it rude to approach someone for a conversation in the DR?” Which all ultimately did not matter. Every minute in that airport felt like a new challenge to overcome. When I met with two other VISIONS participants soon after I landed my courage strengthened, as well as my determination to brave through scary situations (like socializing.) The first time we went on the bus I felt as socially isolated as I did at school. When I spent time near other members however, I felt like I was near some of the newest of friends. After three days here I realized that no one judged me and I would be in a friendly environment for the next 18 days. Even though I still have some worries I’m very excited to overcome whatever challenges come over me and make friends.

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