VISIONS inaugural summer in the BVI was 1992. It was a different place than it is now, with more dirt roads than paved, steel drums sometimes overpowering the sound of traffic, and a higher level of need. We used to rotate between being based on the islands of Tortola and Virgin Gorda. In those early years we partnered with BVI Social Services (among other groups) to build houses from the ground up. VISIONS would sometimes host 100 teens per summer on the islands and we had a lot of carpentry projects to show for it.
As the years progressed, we expanded our initiatives to include animal welfare, conservation, community parks, modest school infrastructure, and even some farming. The demand for constructing homes diminished somewhat, but we continued to have at least one carpentry project with kids learning to use power and hand tools.
After Category 5 Hurricane Irma in August 2017, the islands looked like they’d been through a blender. It was devastating, and we weren’t quite sure how to proceed. At that point, we’d been based on Tortola for several years, but housing wasn’t going to be feasible in time for the following summer. Virgin Gorda (VG) was hit equally hard, but St. Mary’s Episcopal Church said they might be able to find space for us if we could return.
We knew it would be a challenging summer since infrastructure was still a wreck and new materials like lumber were hard to come by. But we felt it was important to return as a show of support to island friends who had been through so much that year. We sent two carpenters a few weeks early to help get St. Mary’s into a more functioning order, and that season the kids made some of their biggest impact simply by being there to show they cared. We worked on community parks and other cleanup, and did what carpentry we could get our hands on.

We’ve remained on VG ever since, and hosted by our dear partners at St. Mary’s, in their community hall. St. Mary’s is a soulful place, with island elders and young people alike. People wear their Sunday best and they welcomed us to services anytime we had the time. While a humble and basic place to live, St. Mary’s is one of the most incredible places a person can wish to wake up to. In addition to the vibrancy of living in a community with a group of teens and leaders, one could hear roosters crowing, feel ocean breezes, and look out to Caribbean views in both directions.
It’s an amazing place—St. Mary’s and beyond—and we are forever indebted to our friends on Virgin Gorda, Tortola, and St. Mary’s for welcoming us.
Julia had such a great experience on her BVI trip. She said it was transformative. She seems more confident and willing/ able to take on new challenges. She even learned how to use a power drill (something on my bucket list for myself)! Thanks so much to you and your team and the BVI community for all the hard work you did to make this run so well.

As VISIONS retires our BVI program, it’s truly the end of an era. The needs have waned over the years as economic development and tourism have taken hold. And while there is always some important work to be done no matter where you are, we have decided to focus our resources on our other long-standing program locations where the needs are greater.
To all leaders and teens who participated in VISIONS BVI, we thank you for the work and the dear memories that you created. To our local partners—of which there have been many—we can’t thank you enough for your friendships and warmth. We will miss you, but I’m sure you’ll be seeing many of us again.
Here’s to the memories, the good work, and the friendships made.
BVI Love ❤️
This experience was life changing for our daughter. She made friends and lifelong connections. Her outlook on the future has grown in ways we couldn’t have imagined. VISIONS was such a positive experience for our entire family and especially our daughter. This is something we wish every teen could experience.

2024 Projects
In collaboration with local nonprofits and Virgin Gorda residents, VISIONS hosted three 1-week short programs during which time high school volunteers engaged in meaningful service projects that included the use of repurposed materials and sustainable practices whenever possible.
Valley Day School: VISIONS teens improved the grounds by trimming trees, clearing brush, removing broken concrete, and rebuilding a walkway. Participants also fixed the school’s perimeter fence by digging post holes, placing some new posts and replacing broken boards.
St. Mary’s Community Center & Park: Participants built and painted a dozen picnic tables to distribute to the park and other community gathering places. We also cleared invasive plants, removed debris, landscaped, developed garden spaces, and improved the grounds of the community center.
Green VI: Working with Green VI, a nonprofit focused on sustainability, VISIONS volunteers separated recyclables, painted recycling bins, and cleared debris at the organization’s hub location.
Ocean Delight: VISIONS high school volunteers began a revitalizing project for this community store that still had visible damage from a Category 5 hurricane of five years ago. We created design concepts, built the wooden sign and began painting before handing final details over to the store owners.
I have no words for how amazing our leaders were. They all made being there incredible. I feel so lucky I got to be with them for a week. There wasn’t one moment I didn’t enjoy being around them. It was well structured but there was still lots of time to do so many fun activities. They were always trying to fit as many fun things in as possible. I don’t think they could’ve picked better people than the four of them. This trip gave me a totally new perspective. I have never felt such a strong connection to a group of people and a place. I feel so lucky I got to experience it. I think everyone once in their life should get to experience something that special. Going on this VISIONS trip has to be one of the best decisions I have ever made.