Community Service Projects




21 Days | Summer 2018
Community Service Projects


Guadeloupe 2018

  • Taught two-to-three English classes a day for three-to-four days a week at the summer camp for kids at Etang Noir.


  • Guadeloupe community service projects completed in partnership with local farming cooperative owner Audrey Colmar:
    • Dug trenches and planted sugarcane.
    • Cut back overgrown shrubs with machetes and cleaned up debris.
    • Fed pigs, goats, chickens, ducks, and sheep.
  • Constructed a chicken coop/slaughterhouse to supply restaurants run by APAEI, an organization that helps those with disabilities find work and opportunities.
    • Added metal stabilizers to the foundation for hurricane-resistance. 
    • Used a drop saw and hand saws to cut wood for siding, roof and deck. 
    • Installed siding, roof and deck with hammers and drills.


  • At the local community center:
    • Repaired and painted rotting picnic table.
    • Cut back overgrown plants with machetes and clippers, picked up litter and painted over graffiti.
    • Repainted the basketball court and replaced the net.
    • Rewired the fence on the soccer field.
  • At the APAEI Ressourcerie, a second hand store, organized donated clothing and accessories


  • At the Kaza’Sik restaurant, cleared overgrown trees and shrubs using chainsaws.


  • Repainted exterior walls of the Maison de l’Indigo, a building destroyed by the 2017 hurricanes.

Team Guadeloupe

LeadersEmily Ponten, Faryn Wooten-El, Alexandra Traynor, Gene Goldenfeld

ParticipantsEmma Fishbein, Abigail Forrester, Karlie Miller, Elizabeth Dailey, Elias Salcedo, Moussa Camara, Joshua Shields, Evelyn Wang, Gabriela Snyder, Jonathan Sayler, Lydia Maynor, Chloe Craig, Juliet Chi

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VISIONS is PVSA Certified!

VISIONS is PVSA Certified!

VISIONS Service Adventures is now a PVSA-certified organization, offering certified hours to teens volunteering on their summer programs.

Team Guadeloupe

LeadersEmily Ponten, Faryn Wooten-El, Alexandra Traynor, Gene Goldenfeld

ParticipantsEmma Fishbein, Abigail Forrester, Karlie Miller, Elizabeth Dailey, Elias Salcedo, Moussa Camara, Joshua Shields, Evelyn Wang, Gabriela Snyder, Jonathan Sayler, Lydia Maynor, Chloe Craig, Juliet Chi

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VISIONS is PVSA Certified!

VISIONS is PVSA Certified!

VISIONS Service Adventures is now a PVSA-certified organization, offering certified hours to teens volunteering on their summer programs.

VISIONS in The New York Times