Full Circle


A VISIONS 30-Year Reunion

Full Circle

A VISIONS 30-Year Reunion

In August, 50 veteran leaders and directors gathered in Bozeman, MT, for our 30-year VISIONS reunion weekend. They came from all parts of the country and represented summer programs across our entire history. It was a celebration of community and connections that transcended the years.


On Friday, folks began showing up at our office in downtown Bozeman. Leaders who hadn’t seen each other in 25 years worked together like old hands, taking direction from the office crew, shopping for supplies and pitching in on decorating. A string of lights from the party still loops and zigzags around our workspace, a reminder and celebration of the varied paths of the VISIONS family.

There was a barbecue, hiking and exploring the Rocky Mountain backdrop, swing dance lessons, and a festive dinner followed by a dance party and bonfire. On Sunday morning, we came together one last time for breakfast and a Circle meeting, in true VISIONS tradition. We listened with quiet minds and open hearts to memories from past programs and stories of how we’ve carried these experiences forward.


Thank you to those of you who made the trip to Bozeman and to everyone who has helped make VISIONS a life-changing experience for so many young participants — not to mention for program leaders and directors. The weekend warmed our spirits and rekindled our fires.

Thanks To All Involved!

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