Joshua Dukeman
1. What inspired you to join VISIONS?
I felt a desire to join VISIONS for the opportunity to connect with a new community and with nature. I enjoy sharing my knowledge while learning from others.
2. What experiences have shaped your passion for community service and youth development?
As a teen, I was profoundly influenced by experiential educators who empowered me to be the change I wanted to see locally and globally. I have been fortunate to incorporate community service and youth development into my career through adventure programs, teaching at YouthBuild Philadelphia and Yestermorrow Design/Build school. I am continuously amazed and inspired by how much a group of volunteers can produce and the joy they bring while doing it.
3. What is your favorite achievement?
My crowning achievement is the variety of heirloom furniture I have designed and built that adorn galleries and private collections across the Northeast. Mostly built from sustainably harvested hardwoods I’ve collected over two decades, each piece represents my design aesthetic as well as my dedication to environmental stewardship.
4. What is your favorite place you’ve traveled?
From Europe to Central America and all over the continental US, my heart belongs to the Green Mountain state. There are countless places I plan to experience, but I’ll continue to visit as much as I can until I call Vermont home again.
5. What is the best advice you’ve received?
Abraham Lincoln was quoted as saying, “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the ax.” I have studied under and worked with some of the most talented craftspeople on the East Coast, all of whom accredit their success to strength multipliers—community being at the top of that list.
6. What do you hope to accomplish this summer?
This summer, I hope to accomplish empowerment at several levels: Community, youth, and personal. I expect our building projects will assist our hosts in achieving their land stewardship goals for the summer, encourage teens as they explore this world, and strengthen all of our connections to spaceship Earth.
7. What are you most excited about this summer?
Spending the summer in Big Sky country, collaborating with local craftspeople, and sharing that experience with the next generation of leaders, activists, and influencers.
8. If you had to give one piece of advice or words of encouragement to someone on their first VISIONS experience, what would it be?
This summer will be my first VISIONS experience, so the advice I’d share with myself is to approach everything with an eagerness to learn a new skill or perspective… and watch the night sky as much as possible.

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