Isabella Smith

Montana Blackfeet Leader

1. What inspired you to join VISIONS?

I wanted to engage with youth and help them recognize the importance of Indigenous culture and community.

2. What experiences have shaped your passion for community service and youth development?

Working as a VISIONS leader last summer shaped my passion for community service. It showed me how community service can positively impact the development of VISIONS participants and myself!

3. What is your favorite achievement?

The research that I will conduct for my Long Island University Global degree in Fall 2024.

4. What is your favorite place you’ve traveled?

Istanbul, Turkey or New Zealand. It’s hard to choose just one!

5. What is the best advice you’ve received?

Every moment is a lesson, and everyone is a teacher.

6. What do you hope to accomplish this summer?

I hope to engage participants through ethical and respectful considerations with the Blackfeet community and address how we can all decolonize our mindsets this summer!

7. What are you most excited about this summer?

I am most excited about the Sundance Festival and working for Child Nutrition!

8. If you had to give one piece of advice or words of encouragement to someone on their first VISIONS experience, what would it be?

Have an open mind and an open heart!

Recent blog posts

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VISIONS is PVSA Certified!

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Nolan & Barry, A VISIONS Love Story

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