Diane Keegan


Coming from a family of accountants, Diane Keegan has always had accounting in her blood. Her grandmother was a top accountant for H&R Block in the 70s, and her aunt was comptroller for Atlantic City. But that was not Diane’s dream. She chose to go to school to become a Park Ranger in Yellowstone. Tree identification ended up not being her thing, though, and Diane tapped into her roots and eventually pursued a business degree.

Later in life, at age 53, Diane earned a Bachelor’s in Accounting from the University of Montana. She has worked in industries ranging from automotive to healthcare, retail and manufacturing. Her passion for finding a company that makes a difference in people’s lives brought her to VISIONS Service Adventures.

In her spare time, Diane loves connecting with her family and friends, especially her two granddaughters. She enjoys the outdoors of Montana and Idaho—floating, hiking, camping, and razoring. In the summer you can find Diane sitting along the banks of some body of water with a book in her hand.


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