VISIONS 2000 Benefits Community

VISIONS is an organization designed to give teenagers an opportunity to experience new cultures, learn new skills and expand their minds. There are various programs set up throughout the world. This summer’s Montana programs in July and August are located in Browning and Heart Butte.

VISIONS July group is currently living at the Head Start building in Browning. The group of 25 students and six staff come from different cities all over the United States as well as three students from London, England. The program started on June 29 and students will be leaving on July 25 after a month of hard work.

The projects the students are working on consist of constructing a fence at Head Start in Heart Butte, building a storage shed at the Head Start in Browning, as well as other small projects around the community. Many of us come from cities and have never lived in a small community or done this kind of work before. Living and working in this setting is an experience and a challenge that we all enjoy.

The scenery, surroundings and wonderful people we’ve met so far make the experience all the more enjoyable. In the next few weeks, we hope to meet more new people, learn more about the Blackfeet Nation and work with the community as much as possible.

Glacier Reporter
News Date
July 13, 2000

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