Service learning in high school often means meeting traditional academic requirements through service. For example, you might learn about marine ecosystems by organizing a beach cleanup, or learn architectural principles while volunteering at a Habitat for Humanity building site.
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What is Service Learning & Why is it Effective?
Let’s start by focusing on what “service learning” is. In simple terms, service learning is the process of education via community service. But what service learning looks like really depends on who you ask.
It’s Not the Cow, It’s the How
VISIONS partner Meagan Lannan, of Barney Creek Livestock, teaches VISIONS students about the importance of regenerative agriculture. Learn more!
Why the VISIONS Dress Code?
Our decisions about dress code are quite simple—we are guests in our host communities, not tourists. We work with elders, nonprofit leaders in their professional settings, indigenous communities that abide by conservative attire, members of religious and spiritual groups, and others whose cultural and professional beliefs abide by conservative and appropriate attire.
Community Service Programs Include Work with Children
Working with children in our host communities is often one of the most rewarding parts of VISIONS programs. Driven by powerful inquisitiveness, chidren bypass language and cultural barriers to get to the objects of their curiosity, and teenagers are compellingly curious objects to these little children.
VISIONS has a long history of female leadership. We also honor the many women who have directed our programs, female project partners who make a difference in their communities, and thousands of girls who have attended programs and worked hard while honing leadership skills.