VISIONS alumnus, Harry Weiner, embodies the concept of life-long service. Harry participated in VISIONS second season in 1990 in the Appalachia program. His program home base was in the Central Pennsylvania farmlands about six miles from VISIONS Newport office....
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Traveling Teen
"We can barely keep up with it" said Kathy Stewart, the director of family trips at Butterfleld & Robinson, when asked about demand for the trips she organizes. Pamela Lassers of Abercrombie & Kent, reports that A&K has seen a 30 percent increase in family...
Guadeloupe’s Amer-Indian Festival
Joby Taylor, Guadeloupe program director, was invited by Guadeloupe's Ministry of Culture to attend the island’s annual international Amer-Indian Celebration in April. Trois Rivieres, VISIONS host community for the past three summers, is an important archeological...
Spring Has Sprung. VISIONS Staff on a More Personal Note
“...there is no ‘average’ VISIONS staffer...” We tend to think that there is no “average” VISIONS staffer. Our staffers and directors are a pretty eclectic bunch of individuals who come on board with varied and enchanting tales of travel, a wide range of skills and...
An Exciting Alternative
By Jennifer M. Jarvis & Hemant Part of growing up involves socializing and interacting with ones peers within schools and various organized groups and projects. One such organization is VISIONS International, a non-sectarian summer program which offers community...
The Toughest Summer You’ll Ever Love
By Marsha Whitfield Girls everywhere are trading in trips to amusement parks and summer camps for a chance to work their tails off for a payoff that will last a lifetime. This is what Rachel Perschetz took last year on her summer vacation: one pair of work gloves, two...